Insightful concurrent events to address HVAC hot topics
As the landmark event of the HVAC industry, ISH China & CIHE 2024 Brought a series of high-quality concurrent activities,bring together well-known HVAC industry elite scholars to share insights and technological innovation to help the development of the industry. ISH China & CIHE 2024 offers more than just the latest products, technologies and solutions on the market, Over 60 conferences and seminars will gather industry experts and academics to discuss current topical issues such as urban energy, energy storage and low carbon development, to enhance knowledge exchange and generate business opportunities.
Technology - iHVAC China International HVAC Congress
China International HVAC Congress offers excellent opportunities for the exchange of industry knowledge and the latest information on market trends.
Market - Product Presentation and Conference

Leading international brands will present their lastest products and share their opinions on HVAC industry market trends.
iHVAC - International Conference of the Future Development of Low Carbon Energy
The 2024 edition of "iHVAC - International Conference of the Future Development of Low Carbon Energy" was organised in collaboration with the CDHA ( China District Heating Association ) , the Finnish Embassy in China, the Canadian Embassy in China, the European Heat Pump Association, Finnish Energy Club, as well as the Heat Pump & Thermal Storage Technology Center of Japan. At the conference, representatives from governments, trade associations, academies and leading brands gathered to discuss the latest trends in the future development of low carbon energy.
iHVAC - The 1st International Heat Technology Forum
Date: 2024.5.12 09:30 - 12:00
Venue: East Hall Conference Room
Second Floor
iHVAC - Workshop on Urban Heating Equipment Renewal and Obsolete Pipe Network Renovation Seminar

Date: 2024.5.13 09:25 - 12:20
Venue: Meeting Room W-201
South Entrance Hall (2F)
iHVAC - "Leveraging Heat Pumps for New Quality Productive Forces" Technology Forum and the "2023 China Heat Pump Industry Development Yearbook" Launch Ceremony
Date: 2024.5.12 10:00 - 15:30
Venue: Meeting Room W-201
South Entrance Hall (2F)
iHVAC - Housing Construction Industry Ultra-Low-Energy Buildings Summit Forum
Date: 2024.5.12 13:30 - 17:00
Venue: West Hall Conference Room
Second floor